Get Involved!
The San Francisco K9 Unit is built on the volunteer work provided by community members. We are very happy to have people sign up and help out. If you are looking for a way to help, here are some of the more common ways you can do so.
Come to the open board meetings
Every month, we have our board meeting that is open to the public. Here, we get feedback from the community, speak to individuals, and talk about future plans. We discuss projects we need help on and come up with plans as well. The single best way to get involved is to come to these meetings, make your voice heard, and help form the future of the K9 Unit.
Help At Events
The K9 Unit runs multiple events a month as well as major events at San Francisco Pride and for Folsom Street Events. These require a multitude of volunteers to run. These include positions such as:
Set up: Putting the mats down for mushes, cleaning the surfaces, and bringing out the toys are some of the things we need to get done for every mosh.
Play Monitors: Safety is important for humans, puppies, and human puppies! Play monitors ensure that the mosh area is safe and that all the various animals on the mats are following the rules.
Tear down: When the event is over, we clean the toys and the mats. We put everything back where it belongs.
The Welcome Waggin': Sometimes called the House Handler or the House Puppy, these volunteers will be there to make sure everyone feels welcome. New pups or handlers can come to these volunteers to ask questions and play with if they are feeling a bit nervous.
If you want to help out at a specific event, check the Telegram chat pinned message! That is where we keep the sign-up sheet. Alternatively, you can use the contact us page to let us know how you'd like to help out.
SFK9 Unit Positions
Chair of the Board
(Required Officer Position)
Supervises the affairs of the organization and the activities of the officers; presides over meetings; acts as the face of the organization; holds secondary responsibility for the organization’s finances.

(Required Officer Position)
Takes minutes for the meetings; curates the bylaws and other important records; holds secondary responsibility for the organization’s finances; presides over meetings when the Chair and Vice Chair are absent.

Communications Chair
Posts about our events on social media; acts as point person for Telegram, Facebook, and other online presences; upholds the group’s values on online platforms.

Events Chair
Organizes the major events (Folsom Street Fair, Up Your Alley, Pride’s Leather Alley); Coordinates with the necessary individuals for the major events; upholds the group’s values during in-person events.

(Required Officer Position)
Acts as point person for the organization’s finances; collects donations; pays bills; maintains and oversees the bank account; files with the IRS.

Vice Chair of
the Board
Solicits volunteers; Coordinates volunteering for the monthly mosh and the major events; Manages the database for volunteer appreciation and “membership”; presides over meetings when the Chair is absent.

Head of IT
Maintains our website, email platform, domain and hosting services.